Saturday, August 29, 2009

A visit with Kenny

Kenny and Derya

Gonul and Allie

3 Generations: Mitch Zach and Kenny

Derya up and riding

Gonul's step son Kenny Blum is quite the adventurer and now runs Tahoe Wake Sports at Lake Tahoe (north shore). See Gonul, her son Derya, her husband Mitch, Mitch's grandson (Kenny's son) Zach, and Derya's friend Allie from Connecticut enjoyed a great day on the lake wake boarding, tubing, swimming and wake surfing last week. Derya had never tried this sport although he is fairly comfortable snow boarding. Kenny had him up on his firtst try and taking a long ride on his second. He's a great teacher and this was a very special day

Here is Kenny wake surfing:

Derya's ride:

Fox 40 cooking demonstration

Gonul appeared on the Fox40 morning news show to demonstrate her stuffed chicken recipe on Thursday, August 28th. This was her 4th TV appearance this year. All have been fun and interesting. Live television usually is.

Gonul was able to show all the ingredients and spices that go into many of her dishes and present the finished product of this particular dish, but time constraints did not give her a chance to actually demonstrate her methods -- maybe at a later date. What was supposed to be two five minute segments turned into a single 3 minute segment because of some live interviews running long. However, there was some excitement. Knowing that her segment was shortened, Gonul turned up the heat on the electric range provided to make sure the skillet for browning the chicken was hot enough. Because of the delay, the skillet was on the oven top longer than planned and when she added the butter and olive oil to the skillet a great plume of smoke arose and set off the smoke alarm at the TV station. So much for the demonstration!

Email Gonul for the recipe at We will add you to our email list if you ask so you can get notification of special events (Wine Maker's dinners, wine tastings, entertainment, etc. along with monthly recipes and discount coupons)